Indlæg fra John Andersen
John Andersen har sendt et indlæg der beskriver den meget aktive hjemmeside som tidligere AA og AC partnere deler. Den er særlig aktuel nu hvor 100 års jubilæet nærmer sig
Der findes en særdeles aktiv hjemmeside for tidligere partnere i AA og AC, som finansieres ved bidrag fra de deltagende tidligere partnere.
Formålet med hjemmesiden fremgår af dens forside:
Home Page of
Welcome to the communications, networking, and professional resource center for ex AA, AC and Accenture Partners,Principals,Managers, Senior staff and family members.
The purpose of this site is to enhance and perpetuate the reputation and legacy of the “FIRM”. We will pursue that purpose by using the tools of technology in the spirit of Leonard Spacek who “STOOD TALL” in the profession as “the” leader for fairness in financial reporting. Spacek, together with Joseph Glickauf and Eugene Delves, also “STOOD TALL” as true pioneers by creating a new profession now called “computer consulting”. It was created under the banner and with the investment of the Partners of Arthur Andersen & Co.
This network replaces the predecessor Internet-based organization – Worldwide Retired Arthur Andersen Partners ( WRAAP was created March 23, 2002 to serve our communications needs by helping fill the chasm in communications between the Retired Partners, and the Andersen Worldwide Organization.
Today, the ONLINE DIRECTORY contains the personal contact data of members of [over 1,100] keyed in from the last official listing of Retired Partners as of January 2002…plus…the Partners who joined the previous websites ( and after January 2003.)
Der er i tidens løb kommet 1434 indlæg – som er opdelt i følgende kategorier:
133 MORE…Additions to Photo Gallery,Legacy Collection,Directory,NEW ME (7/1/13)
17 HEALTH and FITNESS…Information to Help You be Your Best! (12/29/12)
115 FINANCIAL and TAX MATTERS…Ideas, Questions (3/13/13)
14 HARDSHIP TRUST…Contacts, Candidates, Ideas (10/3/12)
50 HEALTH INSURANCE…Ideas, Questions(7/31/13)
36 LEGACY…Stories to Remember (3/8/13)
328 PROJECT PHOENIX…Enhancing Our Reputation (7/11/13)
36 GATHERINGS of EAGLES…Plans or Results…Small or Large (4/5/13)
70 IN SEARCH OF…People,Places,Things, Positions (1/1/13)
201 NEWS re: XAAAC Colleagues-Moves-Awards-Sick Bay-Recognitions (7/26/13)
1 TRAVEL…Suggestions, Plans, Questions (8/23/04)
28 AVAILABLE…People,Places, Things,Positions(3/1/13)
273 IN REMEMBRANCE… Obituaries(7/31/13)
103 TRIBUTES…to Our People-Present and Past (6/25/13)
29 AA CENTENNIAL 2013 (8/13/13)
1434 ALL MESSAGES (8/13/13)
Som det fremgår er der jo helt naturligt mange nekrologer (273) over tidligere partnere eller deres ægtefæller, men på det seneste er der også en del indlæg omkring fejringen af vore 100 år – så lad mig gengive et par stykker.
Først lidt om vores gamle partner (han må nærme sig de 90 – så det må man vel godt kalde ham) Bill Barsanti, der var en af de første amerikanske ledere i Europa (og som er blevet i Rom) – og som prøver at holde liv i AA ved at have stiftet et netværk, der bl a omfatter de danske firmaer Athos ( og A-2 A/S (
In celebration of the AA CENTENNIAL 2013AA Bill Barsanti is embarking on a “Spacek-like” [ post 1947 after Arthur’s death ] campaign to share the values of the Firm with other professional firms around the world. This venture is dependent on individual initiatives which means YOU! The success of the venture does not require YOU to raise money or spend YOUR money. It does demand action!!!
The benefits of the collective action will enhance the quality of small/medium professional firms that share a common heritage and certainly will provide an anchor in the global media market that will increase the leverage of all small firms.
This message is mainly directed towards those loyal AA supporters who continue to work professionally in small-medium professional firms in the U.S, or abroad. This message is also to alert you that the AAI srl network that exists for you to publicize…you may refer other professional firms or form your own firm. In you have not seen the AAI International initiative conceived by Bill Barsanti, I suggest you refer to the AA International site reference at the right of our XAAAC home page.
http://www.aainternationalsrl. com
Prior to referencing the AAI website you need to understand how to use the contents in the context that you will view. First…the basics…looking at two tabs…1. About us and 2. Associates The AAIsrl [ slr is the abbreviation for an Italian small business entity ] website is designed in a matrix format which means that by clicking on the horizontal [left to right] tabs at the top of the website the contents will drop down…the tabs are: About us Services Industries Careers Associates Media Contact us The description for that tab [ About us ] drops down ergo… About us Yields…”AA srl is an international association of professional firms comprised of members with a common heritage with analytical skills, personal integrity and objectivity needed to serve clients through a responsive and effective relationship. Shared values enable us to bring the collective knowledge, expertise and resources of an international organization to each client engagement and provide our people with excellent opportunities”
Associates are classified by general categories as below: [note: each Associate member of AAI srl is listed with name and location data when you click on the tab Associates L > R at the top of the website. Not on the category below!
Assurance & Advisory Business Consulting Tax, Corporate, Legal Consulting
If you need to send the link to a colleague .. http://www.aainternationalsrl. com
This initiative is soundly grounded in several European countries due to the diligent work by Barsanti. Having established a network with 20 Associated Firms in 11 countries and four continents we are setting sights on five more associated firms. Conspicuously lacking are associated firms in the US, presently we have only three! This bold initiative to establish a global network within, AAI srl, has the moral support of several firm leaders in the U.S. and around the world Duane Kullberg, Dick Measelle, Bob Mednick, John Andersen, et al. I am confident that expanding the number of AA International associated firms in the US, ASIA and AUSTRALIA would present an opportunity for the participating firms to gain market momentum and for the perdurability [ enduring, imperishable ], of the AA community globally.
I encourage [expect] you to make a return on the investment that the FIRM made in YOU!!! Let us seize this opportunity to take this step to celebrate the 100th year of Arthur Andersen and establish an enduring symbol of make contact directly with Bill Barsanti (see AAI website or XAAAC) or me. RFKelley [ New Orleans-1964–1981 WHQ-1997 ]
Tidligere har derogså været et indlæg om hvor man kan finde de originale AA døre – se denne side: image001.jpg
Og omtalen herunder – med tilmeldingsblanket hvis nogen skulle være i Chicago 27/9?:
Earlier this year, the College of Business at the University of Illinois received a donation from Arthur Andersen LLP of certain artifacts of the firm including the original doors.
The College of Business has created a permanent display of the history of Accounting which incorporates these items in the Arthur Andersen Gallery on the 4th Floor of the College of Business Instructional
Facility. We are excited to dedicate the Gallery early this Fall and hope you can join us. 3249197
Jeg planlægger at skrive et indlæg på den hjemmeside om de danske initiativer – både mht festen 26/10 og bogen om de 100 år.
Hvis nogen skulle have ideer til, hvad der mere kan skrives på hjemmesiden – så send mig blot en mail på
Med venlig hilsen
John Andersen
Statsautoriseret revisor med deponeret beskikkelse
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