Andersen – 93 år
En hilsen fra Duane Kuellberg i anledning af at det den 13. december 2006 var 93 år siden Arthur Andersen stiftede det bedste revisionsfirma igennem tiderne.
Message from our leader, Duane Kullberg, on the 93th Anniversary of Arthur Andersen & Co. S.C.
10 December 2006
It is more than four years since the end of the Firm that we all shared during our professional life. The natural reaction in grieving is remorse and anger, followed by fond memories of good times, great experiences and grand people.
Over the years from the opening of “the doors” in 1913 until near the end of its eighth decade…the Firm’s achievements influenced the evolution of the accounting and consulting profession … both in the United States and the remainder of the world. As we celebrate the 93rd anniversary of the Firm’s founding, we can be proud that we shared and built an organization that was, during most of its’ life, recognized as the Gold Standard. The indisputable fact is: the contributions to global business and professional services organizations credited to Arthur Andersen & Co. make the Firm, “one of a kind”.
The philosophy of innovation and standard of excellence in all areas of practice, gives us a legacy of justifiable pride – and we all inherited the standard of “Think straight – Talk straight”.
Duane R. Kullberg